MAKE AN ENQUIRY Platform As A Service

Alleviate infrastructure issues and blockers from developers, allowing them to bring ideas to life faster than ever before, helping businesses stay ahead of the competition.

The Challenge

As much as 60% of software development time is spent away from writing code, with teams finding themselves bogged down in network and hardware concerns that stifle the development process.

The ability to create product-ready software out of bright ideas is where developers offer the most value. Platform as a Service (PaaS) ensures your developers are focused on doing just that, taking away the worry of infrastructure to ensure that innovation is the primary focus.

The Approach

A PaaS helps propel your business toward constant innovation by providing the architecture and infrastructure for application development.

This includes networking, comprehensive logging and a service marketplace allowing developers to bind services–such as MySQL or Redis–to an application. The result is a platform that allows you to develop for multiple platforms–such as mobile; reduce coding time; and add additional development capabilities to your team through ready-made tools.

Our development experts are on-hand to advise you on the best approach

PaaS in action